VSM Order Form

Project Details

Package Options

Please select a package option:

  • High Quality 6x4 Photo Sign Board
  • 100 Brochures
  • 8 Image photoshoot with Virtual Dusk Facade
  • Floorplan
  • Video Home Tour
  • High Quality 6x4, 4x8 or 8x 6 Photo LED Sign Board
  • 100 Brochures
  • 12 image photoshoot with Virtual Dusk Fadcade
  • Floorplan
  • Video Home Tour

Upgrade Options

Board / Brochures Upgrades
Photo / Video upgrades

By ticking the above box your verify you are authorised to make this order and that you are aware of the cost for each product.
You also are aware that the following terms are applicable to the Vendor Support Marekting Packages (VSM).

  1. All materials and copyright remain property of Princto until payment
  2. Payment is required within 7 days of the property being sold (release of deposit of section 27)
  3. An average of 70% of VSM are required to be sold for eligibility to continue with this system.
  4. It is the responsbility of the agent to inform Princto when properies are sold.
  5. Orders cancelled on same day of the booking will attract 30% fee